Nutrition and Training Articles

Easy Healthy Habits for Seriously Boosting Your Well-Being

Everyone wants to look and feel their best. No one has ever said, “I regret making my health a priority.” Yet so many people struggle to create and maintain routines that keep them healthy and thriving in daily life. Don’t buy into the lie that developing healthy habits costs too much money or time. The truth is that you can start making simple, significant changes today that will take your overall health and well-being to new heights, no matter your budget or schedule. Check out these practical tips for looking and feeling your best! Treat Your Skin     When...

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4 Ways You Can Feel Your Best In And Out Of The Gym

If you love going to the gym to exercise and treat your body like a temple, then you are likely on your way to feeling your best inside and out. While that is a great start, there are many other things that you can do every day to continue to become physically and mentally fit. Here at ICON Nutrition, we love to help our customers get stronger and perform better, so we have some tips for how you can achieve your very best each and every day.   Clear Bad Energy From Your Home We all enjoy going home to...

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The Truth About How Effective Exercise is in Weight Loss

  How much do you know about exercising for weight loss? If you’ve tried working out before, you probably have a good sense of whether or not it’s effective in helping to shed pounds. But what if you want to get more specific? How will knowing the right information help you? In this article, we’ll tackle some common myths and facts about how effective exercise is in weight loss and how much exercise is needed to lose weight. Whether an old friend or a new acquaintance, the truth about how effective exercise is in weight loss remains the same: It...

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One simple thing that will immediately improve your Weightlifting!

When we look at both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk, it is immediately obvious that these lifts aren’t simply a display of strength. If we compare the Snatch for example to a max weight sled push, the former requires many more elements to execute it effectively. Whilst overall strength is a massive contributing factor to being able to move substantial loads, it is not the only factor, and more often than not with beginner/intermediate lifters and CrossFitters, it isn’t actually the limiting factor.  You can improve your Back Squat and Deadlift as much as you like, but if...

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