The Athlete's Lifestyle: Balancing Training, Nutrition, and Recovery

The life of an athlete is an incredibly demanding one, filled with the pressure of constant training and performance. But, to succeed in this field, one must understand the importance of balancing training, nutrition, and recovery. Being experimental doesn’t hurt either. For example, the use of cannabis for athletic recovery is new, but athletes such as Mike Tyson and Calvin Johnson have championed it. Always consult a physician before undertaking such experiments though.  Still, the mindset of trying new things and solidifying it with fundamentals is key to an effective lifestyle. Training A correct training program for athletes can be...

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The Truth About How Effective Exercise is in Weight Loss

  How much do you know about exercising for weight loss? If you’ve tried working out before, you probably have a good sense of whether or not it’s effective in helping to shed pounds. But what if you want to get more specific? How will knowing the right information help you? In this article, we’ll tackle some common myths and facts about how effective exercise is in weight loss and how much exercise is needed to lose weight. Whether an old friend or a new acquaintance, the truth about how effective exercise is in weight loss remains the same: It...

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Stop making these 6 vitamin mistakes!

The scary truth affecting up to 70% of adults (4 is almost beyond belief) 40 million British adults take some kind of vitamin every day.  They have been a staple of our diets for 100 years so you might be shocked to hear many of us are taking them wrong.  This is not your fault. You would think they are one of the easiest things to get right.  They are designed for ease. You take the pill and POOF - you have forgotten about it straight away. You go back to doing your daily routine, trusting they are safe and...

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Lose the Fat, Keep the Muscle: Become a Plant-based, Green Bodybuilding Machine

Lose the Fat, Keep the Muscle: Become a Plant-based, Green Bodybuilding Machine Looking for ways to ditch the extra kilos but keep your muscle mass? Going vegan may be the answer. Here’s why veganism could help you get the bodybuilding body you want. It’s estimated that as of 2022, there are 79 million fully vegan people in the world. As the plant-based diet continues to grow in popularity, society is becoming increasingly aware of just how beneficial veganism can be—both environmentally and physically. Yes, we said physically. It may shock you to discover that some of the world’s strongest and...

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