Protein Recipe Ideas

Grass Fed Protein Ferrero Rocher Recipe - ICON Nutrition

Grass Fed Protein Ferrero Rocher Recipe

You will need:2 scoops of chocolate grass fed Irish whey protein powder by ICON Nutrition. A glug of almond/ hazelnut or coconut milk4 squares of dark chocolate (70% or above)6 hazelnuts1 tbsp chopped hazelnutsTo start, cover two plates in cling film.Put the whey protein powder in a bowl and keep adding glugs of the milk until you have a paste. I tend to do this with a spoon, then when you have it how you want it, WET YOUR HANDS, and roll the paste into 6 balls, pushing a hazelnut into the middle of each one. Then place on one...

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BCAA and Glutamine Jelly Shots - ICON Nutrition

BCAA and Glutamine Jelly Shots

CrossFit athlete Tom Kendall shares this awesome BCAA and Glutamine jelly shot recipe using our gluten and sugar free Amino Performance product. These are very easy to make and require just a couple of ingredients. They are perfect to use either pre, during or after a tough workout for muscle recovery. INGREDIENTS 2x scoops Amino performance (2x 12g serving) 1x cup (250ml) boiling water 2x leaves of unflavored gelatine DIRECTIONS Boil kettle, serve up 1x cup (250mls) pouring into jug. Prep gelatine leaves as per instructions Dissolve gelatine into water. Add Amino performance. Use hand whisk (I used an electric whisk)...

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Quick & Easy Cookies And Cream Protein Latte - ICON Nutrition

Quick & Easy Cookies And Cream Protein Latte

There comes a time when you just want to take your whey protein powder in a different way to just chugging it down with 200ml of water. Protein supplementation doesn't need to mundane and boring, and there are a million and one ways to take a whey protein powder. To celebrate our grass fed sourced cookies and cream whey protein coming back in stock we thought we'd write up this great cookies and cream protein latte recipe. This cookies and cream protein recipes requires just a few ingredients, 3 in fact! Most people will have these in their kitchen cupboards....

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Protein Mug Cake - the dieters delight by ICON Nutrition

The perfect recipe if you just fancy something different with your whey protein!Ingredients: 1 Scoop ICON Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Evolution cinnamon vanilla/chocolate whey protein powder 1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (optional)1 tsp sugar or sugar substitute (I use Spleda for baking) 1/4 tsp baking soda pinch of salt 1 egg white1 Tbsp skimmed milk 1 Tbsp peanut butter Mix all the dry ingredients in a mug (protein powder, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, and salt) with a fork until well blended. Add in the egg and milk and mix until it becomes a smooth batter make sure you've got...

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