Today we have 10 new workouts for you using little or no equipment come from Team ICON's Hat Hewitt.
Parts 1 to 5 are Bodyweight only.
Workouts 6 to 9 contain 1 object/load
Workout 10 is just cruel ;-)
10 V-up/tuck up
15 burpees over object
*continue where you left off each AMRAP for 1 TOTAL SCORE
AMRAP 22 Minutes
50 air squats
50 mountain climbers
40 lunges
40 plank ups
30 situps
30 hollow rocks
20 pushups
20 shoulder taps in plank
50 hollow rocks or tuck ups
50 sit ups
50 seated leg lifts
50 crunch heel touches
50 hollow rocks or hollow hold 60s
TIME CAP - 12 Minutes
6 hspu / pike pushups
10 shoulder taps (ideally in handstand / top of plank)
10 pistols (20 air squats)
16 jump lunges / rear step lunges
Buy In:
20 burpees
3 rounds:
20 squats
20 pushups
20 situps
20 burpees
3 rounds:
20 situps
20 pushups
20 squats
20 burpees
30 object snatch
6 wall walks
30 snatch
12 burpees
1) 10M HSW / 2 wall walks
2) 18 object snatch / KBS
3) 50 dubs
4) 10-14 burpees
5) rest
2 on: 2 off (no more than 6 total sets to complete the work)
10 (5/5) object Hang Clean and Jerk
60 DU's (100 singles)
Max burpees in remaining time
**Workout complete when 70 burpees complete (or capped at 6 rounds)
5m HSW / 2 wall walks
10 per side Object clusters (20 total)
12 Object facing burpees
Name: Hat Hewitt
Box: Crossfit Watford (co-owner)
Years of Crossfit: 6 (7 this summer)
Competition History:Regionals on team in 2018
SID (3rd Place) sanctions on Team Nasty Lifestyle in 2019.Team sanctionals in 2020:
SiD with Nasty Saxons and Norwegian Championships (where we finished as the top fully British team in the top 10)
Current PB:
PB my clean just before lockdown with 101kg 😄