Nutrition and Training Articles

5 Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Strategies - ICON Nutrition

5 Pre & Post Workout Nutrition Strategies

#1 – Pre-Pre Workout Meal A meal containing Protein, Slow Carbohydrates and Healthy Fats should be consumed 2-4hrs prior to a workout. The size of this meal depends on the person and sport but try to hit all areas. Having a meal will ensure that you are providing your body with the calories and nutrients that your body needs to fuel the coming workout. It is also important that you ensure that you are keeping hydrated at this point too, no sports drinks or anything at this time, water is good enough. Keep sipping on that water as of now! #2 –...

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Whey Protein and CrossFit

Whey Protein Powder There are many benefits related to the consumption of whey protein, and researchers are constantly finding new possible therapeutic properties.Please note if you are interested in finding out the best Protein for CrossFit check out this article => Whey protein is measured as a complete protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids. Many of the potential benefits are based on single studies. Whey protein is a mixture of, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobins. Possible benefits include weight loss and lowering cholesterol and are not considered dangerous. Whey protein is used for many things...

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CrossFit Interview with Team England Captains Beth Hoggarth and Pete Howe

(photo courtesy of Box Rox)Recently we caught up with ICON Nutrition athletes and Team England captains for the Inov-8 Four Nations Beth Hoggarth and Pete Howe to discuss the upcoming competition at the Sports City Arena in Manchester.FIRSTLY FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT THE FOUR NATIONS, CAN YOU GIVE US A QUICK INSIGHT INTO WHAT MAKES THIS EVENT DIFFERENT TO OTHERS YOU COMPETE IN?BETH: The event is a fantastic team event. You have to work to each of your team members’ strengths. However, because there are so many workouts everybody's performance really does count.PETE: This event is held once...

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Interview with Alex Evans: Competitive Weightlifter and Owner of CrossFit Pen Y Bont

(Alex Evans working on his snatch at CrossFit Pen Y Bont)We caught up with Alex Evans, owner of CrossFit Pen Y Bont, recently to discuss crossfit workouts, sports supplements, nutrition and recovery. We hope you enjoy the interview: HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT CROSSFIT AND WHEN EXACTLY DID YOU START? ALEX: Feb 2012 - suggested by a friend, as it always goes... ones session and I was hooked.WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT CROSSFIT VS. "TRADITIONAL TRAINING?" IS THERE ANYTHING YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT CROSSFIT?ALEX: The constant variation of movements.. you think you're on top then they'll throw something...

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